Unity Performing Arts Foundation, and its Voices of Unity Youth Choir have been shaping the lives of area youngsters since July of 2000, thanks to a dream made reality by project founder, and choir director, Marshall White.
Now the dream is growing in size and scope, with a new Unity Performing Arts Foundation facility about to open at Fort Wayne's Ivy Tech.
Earlier this week, WBOI's Julia Meek invited White into the studio to discuss how the foundation's long term plan was developed, how its impact in the community is growing, and what it means to him to empower its young members through music.
Event Information:
Voices of Unity Praise Celebration, "Grateful"
@ IPFW's Rhinehart Music Center, Fort Wayne
Sunday, January 7, 2018
5:00 p.m.
For concert and ticket information, visit the Unity Performing Arts Foundation website.